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Anime Quote You Like My Chest Right

Anime Quote You Like My Chest Right

I'm not crying, you're crying.

Jujutsu Kaisen 0 movie'due south global release is well underway. Anime fans are incredibly excited, especially since the blithe film was a big hit in Japan, grossing U.s.$91M at the domestic box office last year.

A prequel story well-nigh curses and love, it features a different protagonist from Jujutsu Kaisen season 1. Set up a year earlier Yuji Itadori's timeline, nosotros follow the footsteps of Yuta Okkotsu in his first year at the Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical School.

Running at but over 1 and a one-half hours, the movie is a complete adaptation of the four-chapter mini series Jujutsu Kaisen Volume 0 past mangaka Gege Akutami, promising top notch 3D and 2D blitheness from MAPPA, an invigorating soundtrack, and dialogue delivered past some of the best vocalization actors in the industry.

If you've watched this blithe masterpiece, and similar u.s., still tin can't get over some of its incredible scenes, take a moment to indulge in our curated list of best quotes from Jujutsu Kaisen 0 that continue to inspire us every day.

Alert: Major spoilers if you lot have nonetheless to watch Jujutsu Kaisen 0 the movie or read Book 0 of the manga, and minor spoilers if you haven't watched Jujutsu Kaisen flavour i.

List of best quotes from Jujutsu Kaisen 0

"Won't it get lonely all by yourself?" –Satoru Gojo

Jujutsu Kaisen 0 movie opening scene featuring Yuta Okkotsu
Credit: MAPPA

The opening scene of the Jujutsu Kaisen 0 moving-picture show mirrors the opening of Jujutsu Kaisen season ane, except it's not Yuji Itadori in the chair, merely rather, Yuta Okkotsu.

Afterwards a curt flashback, we quickly learn that a young xvi-year-old Yuta had attempted to commit suicide because he's unable to command the curse fastened to him, who has been attacking others on his behalf even though he never intended to crusade any harm.

Across him stands Satoru Gojo, who invites him to start anew at the Tokyo Metropolitan Curse Technical School. Afterward Yuta rejects him, Gojo replies, "Won't it get lonely all past yourself?".

It's a poignant moment not just for Yuta, just Gojo as well, because beyond his surface sense of humour, strength, and aloofness, lies a caring centre. He acknowledges that nosotros're all human, and we're not meant to live alone.

"I desire to have a connectedness with someone. I want to be needed past someone. I desire the confidence to feel like it'southward okay to live." –Yuta Okkotsu

Jujutsu Kaisen 0 official trailer still of Yuta Okkotsu
Credit: MAPPA,

As a teacher, Gojo is clearly not afraid to throw his students into the deep terminate. The very get-go mission saw Yuta and fellow first twelvemonth Maki Zenin head into an elementary school where two children had gone missing. After carrying that their goal is to exorcise the curse and relieve the children, Gojo leaves them inside the veil and waits outside.

Of course, things never become co-ordinate to plan in the world of Jujutsu Kaisen. The duo gets swallowed upward past the curse, and ends up in the abdomen of the animate being with the two missing children. Without resistance to curses, Maki and the kids start to falter.

Yuta, despite existence curse resistant, couldn't make up one's mind what to do in such a dire situation. Crawling in fear, he let his emotions become the better of him.

Frustrated past his cowardice, Maki lashes out at him, shouting, "Why did you come up to the magical technical schoolhouse? What do you want to do?! What do you want?! What practise you want to achieve?!"

Later on sorting out his thoughts, Yuta replies with renewed determination. "I want to accept a connection with someone," he said. "I want to be needed past someone. I want the confidence to experience like it's okay to alive."

This scene is a stark contrast to the opening scene where he wanted to impale himself. Clearly, Gojo's words had an effect on him, for, in the oestrus of the moment, Yuta finally admits that he indeed does want to live, despite carrying the curse of Rika.

"Dear is the most twisted curse of all." –Satoru Gojo

Satoru Gojo in the Jujutsu Kaisen 0 movie
Credit: MAPPA

The first time I read this line in the manga, I couldn't help but interruption.

"Gojo? What does he know of dearest?" I wondered.

At the hospital after the elementary school incident, Yuta had a chat with his teacher. Looking back on his past with Rika, he absentmindedly said out loud that it's possible she didn't curse him, but rather, that he cursed her.

Gojo so replies, "This is just a personal theory just… perhaps dear is the most twisted curse of all."

It'due south an interesting quote coming from someone similar Satoru Gojo, who keeps anybody at arm'southward length. Merely after on in the story do we realize how much he treasures his best friend, Suguru Geto, despite all that had happened.

"Twisted" in this case, could refer to his refusal to kill Geto when he had the take chances to in the past fifty-fifty though he knew that he would end up destroying more lives than Gojo can salve — all because of the love he harbors for his all-time friend.

"Information technology's unforgivable to steal their youth away from kids, no affair who they are." –Satoru Gojo

Jujutsu Kaisen 0 movie featuring Yuta Okkotsu during training at the magical technical school
Credit: MAPPA

The school's senior direction was not happy that special grade curse spirit Rika Orimoto fabricated an appearance during Yuta's first mission. Gojo was entrusted to prevent this situation from happening, and took total responsibility, openly rebelling against the quango.

On his way out, he complained out loud to himself, "What a bunch of tasteless old men. I don't desire to become like that. It's unforgivable to steal their youth away from kids, no thing who they are."

The next significant point in the story where Gojo openly rebukes the quango is in season one after Yuji Itadori died, when he realized that the council manipulated circumstances at the juvenile detention center. Speaking to assistant manager Kiyotaka Ijichi at the morgue, Gojo suddenly suggested that they kill all the higher ups.

For a cursory moment, the audience gets a peek into just how deep Gojo's detest for the council runs.

Even though the students sometimes question his deport as a teacher, his center is in the correct place. He recognizes that the only way to change the system is to raise youths with the right values, for they are the time to come.

"I'll requite you my future, heart, and body… I love you Rika… This is pure love." –Yuta Okkotsu

Rika Orimoto in Jujutsu Kaisen 0
Credit: MAPPA

An of import aspect of Jujutsu Kaisen 0's story is the evolving relationship betwixt Yuta and Rika, even though she's no longer homo.

In the beginning, Yuta wanted to destroy the expletive by killing himself, declining which, he'd hide away from the world.

In the end, during the final battle, he gave in to it. In a good way, of course.

Portrayed every bit a wailing monster, Rika seemed like an uncontrollable force that tortured Yuta, a true "curse" in all senses of the word. With the help of Gojo, the schoolhouse, and his classmates, Yuta was eventually able to communicate with her, channel his energy, and work aslope his curse instead of against it.

In a terminal ditch attempt to save Maki, Panda, and Inumaki from Geto, he was more than willing to sacrifice himself to Rika in substitution for her unlimited power. The quote "I'll give you my futurity, middle, and body… I dearest you Rika…" is more often heard at a wedding than on a battlefield.

He even seals his vow with a buss on the mouth of the hideous looking curse, which is… commendable.

True love knows no bounds, I judge.

READ More: Jujutsu Kaisen 0 flick review: Animation and voice acting at its finest

Anime Quote You Like My Chest Right




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