Anime Like Elfen Lied and Death Note

Anime Like Elfen Lied and Death Note

Caleb likes to retrieve he's Jiraiya, a ninja/writer, but the truth is he's never thrown a punch in his life. His pen is his solitary weapon.

10 Anime Like Elfen Lied

10 Anime Like Elfen Lied

About "Elfen Lied"

If you lot're looking for anime like Elfen Lied, and so you came to the correct place. This series is ane of the best in the psychological genre. With the right balance of action, horror, drama and romance, Elfen Lied has captured the interest of thousands of anime fans beyond the globe. Here's a list of like anime series that yous volition also surely savour.

The Diclonius, a mutated homo sapien that'due south reported to be called by God and will finally become the devastation of humanity, possess ii horns on their heads and have a "6th sense" which gives them telekinetic powers. As a result of this dangerous power, they've been defenseless and isolated by the government in laboratories. Lucy, a psychotic and youthful Diclonius, manages to intermission free of her boundaries and viciously kills the bulk of the guards in the lab where she's being held, only to be shot equally she makes her getaway. Lucy manages to float along to a shore where she is discovered by two teens, Kouta and Yuka, and survives, falling off a cliff into the ocean. Having lost Lucy's memories, she was named after the sole thing that she tin now say, "Nyuu," and the two permit her to stay at Kouta'south house. Nevertheless, it seems the psychotic side of Lucy isn't dead merely nonetheless...

Here are my ten recommendations:

  1. Higurashi no Naku Koro ni
  2. Deadman Wonderland
  3. Mirai Nikki
  4. Chobits
  5. Gantz
  6. Claymore
  7. Claret+
  8. Mnemosyne: Mnemosyne no Musume-tachi
  9. Kono Minikuku mo Utsukushii Sekai

one. "Higurashi no Naku Koro ni"

Maebara Keiichi spends his days in school regularly playing games with his local friends, after moving into the quiet town of Hinamizawa. Yet, appearances can be deceiving. Keiichi stumbles upon news of a homicide that had occurred in Hinamizawa ane fateful day. From this stage on, dreadful events unfold in front of Keiichi, as he soon learns his close buddies might not be all that they seem. Predicated on the amateur mystery game by 07th Expansion, the story is told in a run of distinct scenarios.

2. "Deadman Wonderland"

Ganta is the sole survivor after a mysterious man in red slaughters a classroom full of adolescents. He's framed for the carnage, sentenced to perish, and locked abroad in the about perverted penitentiary always built: Deadman Wonderland. And it gets worse.

For the amusement of the majorities, the cheers of the crowd drowning out the screams of the participants, convicts are driven into barbarous deathmatches at Deadman Wonderland. When Ganta befriends Shiro, an uncommon female inmate, all hope crushes—until he finds the odd adequacy to wield his shed blood as a weapon. Ganta uncovers disturbing secrets that could expose those who stole his independence and learns his new ability might exist related to the murderous man in red. He's determined to run across justice served—but he'll accept to fight for his life in a prison that holds a million ways to dice.

3. "Mirai Nikki"

This psychological thriller, based on the manga illustrated and written by Sakae Esuno, is about Yuki, a loner who's not too proficient with people. This social recluse favors writing a diary on his mobile telephone and speaking to his imaginary friend, Deus Ex Machina—The God of Time and Space. Still, Yuki shortly learns when Deus makes Yuki participate in a boxing royale with eleven others that he is more than than a figment of his imagination. The contestants are given special diaries that can forecast the future, each diary possessing unique attributes that requite information technology both benefits and disadvantages. Within the side by side ninety days, the contestants must attempt to endure until at that place is only one left standing. The winner volition get the new God of Time and Space.

4. "Chobits"

In the futurity, personal computers have developed into "Persocoms," mobile computers that resemble human beings. Hideki Motosuwa, a prep schoolhouse student, urgently desires to buy a Persocom simply cannot manage to. One day, after discovering a Persocom that'south been thrown away, he keeps it without telling anybody. When he turns on the Persocom, all she tin can say is "Chii" then he decides to name her that. After a petty while, it begins to eventually become apparent that Chii is more a typical Persocom. Having considerably better functionality, it appears that Chii might exist a "Chobit," a sort of advanced Persocom rumored to accept an independent idea.

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5. "Gantz"

Thought your life was non good? Occasionally, death is not better. There's no redemption, peace, nor god waiting to receive y'all. Just wait, a god? You might be referring to that large black ball put aslope you in the area. At present you're thrown correct into a lucifer, fighting with robot creatures and dark-green aliens for the opportunity to live.

Kei Kurono then finds himself captured in this kind of game--a test of his abilities, morals, and will to live when he is killed. His life isn't his own; his departure is trampled upon over and over again and spat. What are the results if he volition not listen? God knows.

6. "Claymore"

Nowadays, people coexist with demonic predators. These demonic beasts tin alloy into human society by taking on human appearance and feast on human innards. As a counter ability, a cryptic organization created half-man, one-half-Yoma warriors known every bit the "Silver Eyed Witches" or "Claymores," named afterwards the huge claymore swords they yield. Flesh, notwithstanding, detests them despite knowing how essential they are.

The narrative starts with a immature boy, Raki, who has lost everything in a Yoma assail, and the Claymore, Clare, who's commonly loathed by guild. Through the series, Clare and Raki reveal their more profound qualities, powers, and Clare's never-ending devotion to the goal she swore to fulfill in her youth.

7. "Blood+"

Through the passing of time along with the shifts in history, a special war continues to make its mark on history, expanding its influence into today's world. At that place are 2 major groups involved with the war that is ensuring. The very first grouping consists of creatures known as Chiropterans who tin change their looks and so that they await similar humans. They're actually immortals who feed on claret. The side by side group is an organisation known as the "Red Shield", formed to chase these creatures and become rid of them. Otonashi Saya is a high school girl who lives a peaceful life with her family unit. The just issue is, she'due south no memories of her life farther than that of the past yr. Little does she know that her happy life will probably be destroyed by means of an event that may lead her to her destiny.

8. "Mnemosyne: Mnemosyne no Musume-tachi"

Rin Asogi is an immortal private detective with a gift for bringing matters that go bump in the nighttime and a thirst. In some nightmarish vignettes crossing sixty five years, Rin'due south exuberant body is perforated, inflated, and mulched into a bloody pulp. The fiend behind her tortured existence is Apos, an countless being obsessed with sacrificing Rin to Yggdrasil, the tree of life. Apos lurks in the shadows, prepare to tear into her mature body and devour the memories of her innumerable lives while Rin fights to unravel the mysteries of her never-ending misery. Rin'due south no stranger to the land of the dead but her next visit could keep eternally.

nine. "Kono Minikuku mo Utsukushii Sekai"

High school student Takeru Takemoto works as a (motor)cycle courier. During i typical working day, he fell right into a forest and saw a mysterious calorie-free passing him. What he'd constitute was a lovely girl coming out from a luminous cocoon, calling herself "Hikari." While Takeru was embarrassed because of the nudity of Hikari, a peculiar creature unexpectedly showed upward and promptly assaulted the ii. Both Hikari and Takeru illustrated the power of their change beings earlier Takeru had fifty-fifty gotten a hint of what is truly happening.

10. "Gokukoku no Brynhildr"

Murakami was infatuated with a daughter that goes by the name Kuroneko when he was still a child. She insisted on having met aliens, merely no 1 actually believed her. Even the youthful Murakami was suspicious. One day, she determines to prove him the extraterrestrial beings, however an injury happens and while Murakami is left severely wounded in the hospital, Kuroneko dies.

Years laissez passer and Murakami, due to a promise he'd made with Kuroneko, seeks to find evidence of the beingness of the aliens her friend had always thought existed. Ultimately, ane solar day, in that location comes a fresh transfer student to his class, who doesn't just look like Kuroneko, merely is fifty-fifty named Kurohaneko!

All images are taken from gallery.minitokyo.cyberspace.

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This content is accurate and true to the best of the writer's knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional person.

© 2014 Caleb Melvern

iivxx on January 14, 2022:

Gokunoku no brynhildr is literally elfen lied season2. Aforementioned author like story line haha

Nana on November x, 2022:

Ummm...... what about Happy shugar life????

Lucy on March 11, 2022:

deathman wonderland is crap, dont try information technology. mirai nikki definitely recommendable

Nick Dunkin on Feb fourteen, 2022:

I'1000 confused why didint yous recommend Tokyo ghoul it's virtually a perfect match?

Sarada U on January 01, 2022:

Who thought it was funny to put chobits up there? Lmfao

Felicia wong on Feb 21, 2017:

I nearly watch all the anime series..Desire to try Kono Minikuku mo Utsukushii Sekai..Thanks..

Naomi Starlight from Illinois on Feb 07, 2015:

Good recommendations, I'll take to check some of these out. Claymore and Deadman Wonderland are some of my favorites.

Anime Like Elfen Lied and Death Note




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